General Information

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ImagesĀ© Big Fish Games & ERS Games

Overview: Once upon a time... you were saved by your nanny when an evil queen came to your parents kingdom and destroyed it. You are now grown and it is time for you journey back and save your kingdom and your family.

Hints: These are unlimited but must recharge.

Hidden Objects: The items to find will vary for everyone. The only items highlighted will be those added to your inventory. Items in yellow must be found by interacting with something within the picture. Their solutions will be written in the guide.

 Owl: The owl will show you the way.

Nanny's House
  1. examine the miniature chest
    • open the chest
    • pick up the scroll and read it
  2. pick up the Pendent from the table
  3. examine the miniature chest
    • place the Pendent in the frame
  4. hang the Amulet over the fire
  5. Amulet Puzzle
    • line up the outer and inner rings to form zodiacs
    • symbols already in the correct spot are golden
    • see screenshot for solution
  6. take the Amulet
  7. pick up the portrait of your nanny and her bird Handsome
  8. examine the cupboards - hidden object area
    • Butterfly - open the cupboard door
    • Mirror - open the cupboard door
  9. examine the cupboard doors on the right
    • pick up the Stone Puzzle Piece
  10. take the Elkroot
  11. enter the room to the right (bedroom)




Nanny's Bedroom
  1. examine the desk - hidden object area
    • Nuts - open the drawer
    • Bat - turn the page in the book
  2. examine the nightstand
    • pick up the Stone Puzzle Piece
  3. pick some Flowers from the hanging basket
  4. give the Mirror to the cursed parrot
    • pick up the Stone Puzzle Piece
  5. leave the bedroom and go outside


Outside Nanny's

  1. give the Nuts to the squirrel
    • take the Stone Puzzle Piece
  2. examine the pond
    • pick up the Golden Lily and the Stone Puzzle Piece
  3. examine the base of the tree
    • pick up the Stone Puzzle Piece
    • take a piece of Weeping Willow Bark off the tree
  4. pick up the Blue Cabbage from the garden
  5. examine the stone monument
  6. Stone Puzzle
    • replace the Stone Puzzle Pieces
    • objective: create a path from the castle to the portal
    • you can only move in the direction of the yellow arrows
    • certain tiles will block your path
    • see video for solution
  7. enter the portal

Castle Path
  1. look inside the tree
    • take the Metal Bat Emblem and the Dragon's Horn
  2. continue right
The Shore
  1. examine the ship's wheel
    • take the Star and Brush
  2. examine the sandy beach to the right
    • take the Machete
  3. examine the ship - hidden object area
    • Map - open the crate
    • Fir - pull the cloth back
    • take the Spade
  4. examine the sandy beach again
    • use the Spade to unearth the box
    • use the Metal Bat Emblem on the top of the box
    • take the Star and the Amber Sphere
  5. return to the castle path



Castle Path
  1. use the Machete on the thorny bush
    • take the Dragon's Horn
  2. continue up
Castle Gate
  1. examine the gate
    • pick up the Golden Sun and the Hammer
  2. return to the shore
The Shore
  1. examine the barrel
    • use the Hammer on the barrel
    • take the Wedge
  2. examine the boulder (where the owl was sitting)
    • place the Wedge in the crack
    • use the Hammer on the Wedge
  3. continue up
The Ledge
  1. examine the birds nest
    • take the Dragon's Horn
    • brake open the egg and take the Star
  2. use the Machete on the vines
    • listen to the girl
    • pick up the Recipe and the Magic Chalice
  3. go back to the shore
The Shore
  1. examine the boat - hidden object area
    • Nail Puller - move cloth back
    • Lobster - move cloth back
    • Crab - open the crate
  2. return to the nanny's 


  1. examine the cupboard - hidden object area
    • Salamander Oil - untie bag
    • Lightning - open cupboard doors
    • Cheese - open cupboard doors
    • Corn - open cupboard doors
    • Shell - open cupboard doors
    • Fish - open cupboard doors
  2. go to nanny's bedroom


Nanny's Bedroom

  1. examine the window
    • use Nail Puller on nail
    • open window
    • take some Firethorn Berries
  2. examine the desk - hidden object area
    • 2 Clovers - open the drawer and turn the page of the book
    • take the Scissors
  3. take the Star from the owl
  4. exit the bedroom



  1. examine the cupboards on the right
    • use the Scissors to cut the thread
    • take the Empty Cauldron
  2. go outside
Outside Nanny's
  1. use the Empty Cauldron on the waterfall
  2. go back inside
  1. place the Cauldron over the fire
  2. examine the Cauldron
    • place the ingredients listed at right into the Cauldron
    • use the Magic Chalice to take some of the potion
  3. return to the ledge
The Ledge
  1. give the Magic Chalice to the girl
  2. take the Torch from the hand
  3. return to the castle gate
Castle Gate
  1. examine the cursed dragon
    • replace his three Dragon Horns
    • place the Torch in his hand
  2. pull the dragon's tail
  3. take the Torch
  4. return to the ledge
The Ledge
  1. place the Torch back in the hand
  2. go up the steps
  1. pick up the Shell
  2. use the Brush on the spider web
  3. pull the lever
  4. pick up the Star
  5. examine the door
    • place all the Stars in the door
    • place the Golden Sun in the door
  6. exit


  1. touch the owl
  2. enter the shack
Inside Shack
  1. examine the portrait
    • take the Key
  2. examine the dresser
    • open the drawer 
    • take the piece of paper (it will be placed in your journal)
    • take the Oiler
  3. go back outside
  1. examine the broken cart
    • pick up the Shell
    • untie the sack
    • turn the lever on the keg
    • use the Oiler on the keg
  2. continue right
  1. pick up the Shell
  2. examine the house
    • use the Oiler on the lock
    • use the Key on the lock
  3. examine the house - hidden object area
    • Black Cat - shake the flue above the chimney
    • Knife - knock over the boots
  4. go left



Old Well
  1. pick up the Golden Comet
  2. use the Knife on the sack of sand
    1. move the sack
    2. pick up the Coat of Arms
    3. pick up the Shell (in the sand)
  3. take the Helmet
  4. return to the shack and go inside


Inside Shack

  1. examine the shield on the wall
    • place the Coat of Arms in the center
    • push down on the sword, mace, and scepter
    • take the Medal
  2. exit and go right
  1. examine the cursed soldier
    • place the Medal on his chest
  2. open the gates and enter
Outside Castle
  1. move the rock aside
    • pick up the sketch (it will go into your journal)
    • pick up the Handle
  2. go down



  1. examine the house - hidden object area
    • Red Flag - uncork the wine bottle hanging from the ceiling
    • Tongs - move the large wooden shield
  2. return to the shack


  1. examine the cannon
    • use the Tongs to get the Shell
  2. return to the old well
Old Well
  1. take the lid off the well
  2. examine the box on the side
    • use the Handle on the box and turn it
  3. take the Shell
  4. return to outside the castle
Outside Castle
  1. examine the right wall
    • place the Shells on the surface
  2. Shell Puzzle 
    • the sketch you found will appear below the game
    • you need to move the pearls to match the diagram or the pearls above each shell
    • the crab will grab two pearls at a time
    • see video for solution (note: the video is one of many solutions)
    • take the Pearl
  3. examine the cursed statue on the left
    • place the Helmet on him
  4. examine the cursed statue on the right
    • place the Pearl in the shell
  5. listen to the evil witch
  6. enter the castle
Castle Entrance
  1. pick up the Chess Board Piece
  2. examine the knight on the right - hidden object area
    • Queen - turn over the frying pan
    • Comb - lift the metal on the knights shoe
    • take the Tassels
  3. examine the stone on the left side of the large round area in the floor
    • place the Golden Comet in the stone
  4. go through the left door



Sitting Room
  1. pick up the Candelabra
  2. examine the overturned chair
    • tear back the fabric
    • take the Chessboard Piece
  3. examine the lounge chair - hidden object area
    • Pocket Watch - open the bird cage
    • Clock Hands - tear the wallpaper
    • Scissors - move the pillow
  4. enter the left door


Dining Room
  1. examine the corner cupboard
    • take the Sketch, Goblet, and Chessboard Piece
  2. examine the octopus portrait
  3. Octopus Puzzle
    • click the octopus
    • listen/watch him play his instruments
    • repeat exactly what he does
    • there are six melodies to complete
    • the puzzles are random and will vary for each player
    • take the Octopus Key
  4. look under the table - hidden object area
    • Spider - ring the bell
    • Rider - move the shirt
    • Comb - open the book
    • Sun - move the shirt
    • take the Gear
  5. exit back to the sitting room and go through the right door



  1. touch the owl
  2. examine the bench
    • take the Vase and the Chessboard Piece
  3. examine the curtains
    • use the Tassels on the curtain
  4. examine the gear box
    • replace the Gear
    • pull the lever
  5. go upstairs
Octopus Room
  1. examine the broken drum
    • take the Chessboard Piece
  2. examine the piano
    • open the lid
    • take the Chessboard Piece and the Cake Knife
  3. return to the dining room and go through the doorway


  1. examine the cabinet on the back wall
    • take the Chessboard Piece
    • take the lid of the creamer and take the Pin
  2. examine the clock
    • place the Clock Hands on the clock
    • move the clock hands to seven o'clock
  3. place the Goblet on the top shelf of cabinet on the right wall
  4. place the Candelabra and the Cake Knife on the bottom shelf of the cabinet on the right wall
  5. place the Vase on the small table on the right wall
  6. go through the door



  1. examine the cupboard - hidden object area
    • Domino - open the cupboard door
    • Bunny - open the cupboard door
    • Corn - push the vial off the shelf
    • take the Maraca
  2. examine the door
  3. Celler Door Puzzle
    • swap the tiles in the bottom two rows
    • the middle tile must match the top in some way that when they are added together the result is the bottom tile
    • see screenshot for solution
  4. go through the door




  1. examine the briefcase on the right shelf
    • use the Pin to pick the lock
    • take the Violin
  2. examine the left shelf - hidden object area
    • Unicorn - turn the bottle around
    • Ship - take the lid of the barrel
    • take the Drum
  3. return to the dining room



Dining Room
  1. look under the table - hidden object area
    • Broken Glass - knock the golden ball off the chair
    • Crescent - open the book
    • take the Trumpet
  2. return to the sitting room


Sitting Room
  1. examine the lounge chair - hidden object area
    • Earring - open the birdcage door
    • Spoon - move the pillow
    • take the Fiddlestick
  2. return to the octopus room


Octopus Room

  1. return the Maraca, Drums, Trumpet, Violin, and Fiddlestick to the octopus
  2. examine the keyhole
    • use the Octopus Key and turn it
    • take the Cast Iron Disc
  3. return to the kitchen
  1. examine the stove
    • place the Cast Iron Disc in the middle
  2. examine the cupboard - hidden object area
    • Tortoise - open the cupboard door
    • Lock - untie the right sack
    • Peas- take the lid off the container with the cat face
    • take the Oven Mitt
  3. examine the oven
    • use the Oven Mitt to get the Pie
  4. go into the celler


  1. examine the sleeping boy
    • give the Pie to him
  2. pick up the Chessboard Piece
  3. examine the left shelves - hidden object area
    • Gingerbread Man - knock over the knife
    • Sword - turn the faucet on the barrel
    • take the Broom
  4. return to the kitchen


  1. examine the pile of rubbage
    • use the Broom to sweep up the rubbage
    • pick up the Chessboard Piece
  2. return to the sitting room
Sitting Room
  1. examine the chessboard
    • replace the Chessboard Pieces
  2. Chessboard Puzzle
    • place all the Chessboard Pieces on the board so they fit
    • see video or screenshot for solution
    • take the Amber Sun
  3. return to the castle entry


Castle Entry
  1. examine the stone on top of the circle in the floor
    • place the Amber Sun in the stone
  2. enter the middle door
Round Room
  1. examine the top portrait
    • take the Painting Fragment
  2. examine the bottom portrait
    • fix the painting
    • take the Cudgel
  3. examine the opening to the left - hidden object area
    • Blue Rose - knock over the ink bottle
    • Bell - pull back the fur on the chair
  4. go through the center doors



Great Hall
  1. examine the open area on the left
    • pick up the Painting Fragment
    • use the Cudgel on the pick axe
  2. examine the large bowl on the right - hidden object area
    • Medallion - open the small chest
    • Gauntlet - open the door
    • Man - open the door
    • Cup - open the door
  3. continue up



Throne Room
  1. pick up the Painting Fragment
  2. examine the King
    • replace his Medallion
  3. go back


Great Hall
  1. touch the owl
  2. return to the round room
Round Room
  1. examine the door to the right
    • use the Pick Axe on the column
  2. exit through the door
Hallway 2
  1. examine the door on the left with the peacock on it
    • read the notice about your missing aunt
  2. examine the bench - hidden object area
    • Guitar - open the toy elephant
    • Spoon - open the purse
    • take the Wooden Paddle
  3. go through the left door


Royal Bedroom
  1. examine the desk
    • take the Painting Fragment
  2. move the pillow on the floor
    • take the Mask
  3. remove the tapestry
  4. examine the door
  5. Bedroom Door Puzzle
    • move the helmets to the correct knight
    • see video for solution
  6. go through the door


  1. pick up the Painting Fragment
  2. exit to the hallway and go through the right door


  1. pick up the Painting Fragment
  2. open the diary and read its contents
    • take the Feather
  3. exit to the hallway


  1. examine the left door
    • place the Feather in the peacock's tail
  2. enter
  1. touch the owl
  2. examine the tree
    • use the Wooden Paddle to scrape the Resin
  3. examine the tree branches - hidden object area
    • Candle - open the door on the lantern
    • Egg - scare the duck away
    • take the Net
  4. go right


  1. pick up the Painting Fragment
  2. go back


  1. examine the gate
  2. Gate Puzzle
    • rotate the discs so the grapes are on the top
    • see video for solution
  3. go through the gate

Sea Path
  1. examine the booth
    • pick up the Painting Fragment
  2. continue up
Path End
  1. take the Painting Fragment
  2. return to the bedroom


  1. examine the pieces of painting at the foot of the bed
  2. Painting Puzzle
    • replace the Painting Fragments
    • rearrange the pieces to create a picture
    • use your right mouse key to rotate the pieces
    • see screenshot for solution
    • use the Resin to glue the picture together
  3. place the Painting in the frame on the right wall
  4. move the frame and make note of the drawings
  5. examine the tassels above the bed
  6. Tassel Puzzle
    • line up the symbols so they match the drawing on the back of the frame
    • pull a tassel until the correct symbol is in the gold part
    • see screenshot for solution
  7. examine the drawer beneath the bed
    • take the Ball and the Mask
  8. return to the hallway



  1. examine the bench - hidden object area
    • Garden Pruner - life the bench seat
    • Coins - life the bench seat
  2. return to the garden


  1. examine the branches - hidden object area
    • Paperweight - pull out the box from under the table
    • Red Glove - squeeze the berries
  2. go through the gate


Sea Path
  1. examine the bushes
    • use the Garden Pruner on the bush
    • take the Bell
  2. go up
Path End
  1. give the Ball to the puppy
  2. pick up the Toy Fish
  3. examine the base of the statue
  4. Statue Puzzle
    • turn all the medallions face up
    • you must match two medallions in order for them to stay face up
    • every time you match or miss the medallions will move
    • solutions vary per game
    • take the Seahorse
  5. return to the armory
  1. examine the large chest on the left wall
    • place the Seahorse in the center
  2. Armory Puzzle
    • swap the pieces in each ring so they line up
    • rotate the rings to line everything up to create a picture
    • see screenshot for solution
    • open the box
    • take the Roller
  3. examine the desk
    • place the Paperweight in the hole
    • take the Mask
    • open the drawer
    • take the Bell
  4. return to the fountain


  1. place the Masks on the fountain
  2. examine the fountain
    • use the Net to get the Toy Fish and the Bell
  3. go through the gate
Sea Path
  1. examine the both
    • replace the Bells and the Roller
    • pull the handle
    • take the Portrait
  2. return to the great hall
Great Hall
  1. examine the large bowl - hidden object area
    • Coat of Arms - open the scroll
    • Dragon - close the door
    • Crown - open the chest
    • Star - open the chest
  2. continue up


Throne Room
  1. examine the King
    • place the Portrait in the locket
    • take the Dragon Ring
  2. examine the Queen
    • place the Crown on her head
  3. exit to the round room
Round Room
  1. examine the doorway - hidden object area
    • Mask - move the top of the right curtain
    • Rope -open the desk drawer
    • take the Toy Fish
  2. return to the royal bedroom


Royal Bedroom
  1. examine the desk
    • use the Dragon Ring on the lock
    • take the Hourglass and the Amber Star
  2. examine the bassinet
    • replace the Toy Fish
    • turn back the blankets
    • take the Hourglass
  3. return to the castle entry
Castle Entry
  1. examine the knight on the right - hidden object area
    • Hourglass - break the statue's base
    • Thimble - break the statue's base
    • Mouse - pull up the bucket
  2. examine the right stone on the circle in the floor
    • place the Amber Star in the stone
  3. go through the door


Tower Sitting Room
  1. examine the red columns in the back
    • place the Hourglasses in the spaces
    • examine the wall
  2. Tile Puzzle
    • use the arrows to move the tiles
    • see video for solution
  3. examine the far chair - hidden object area
    • Magnifier - knock over the potion
    • Key - use the billows to blow the feathers away
  4. go through the door in the wall


Potion Room
  1. examine the fireplace - hidden object area
    • Tobacco Pipe - move grate
    • Five - roll dice
    • take Mortar
  2. continue up the tower


Tower Stairs
  1. touch the lizard
    • take his Tail
  2. look out the broken window
    • touch the owl
  3. examine the door
  4. Balance Lock Puzzle
    • swap the weights so they add up the number seven
    • the blue arrows must line up with the indents in the door
    • see screenshot for solution
  5. go through the door


Owl Room
  1. read the book
    • take the Key
  2. return to the tower sitting room
Tower Sitting Room
  1. examine the door
    • use the Key in the lock
  2. enter the room
  1. open the desk drawer
    • read the piece of paper
    • take the Growth Accelerator 
  2. examine the stained glass window
  3. Crystal Puzzle
    • use the green buttons to rotate the blue bars
    • the blue bars should match the roman number in the green circle
    • see video for solution
  4. take the Red, Green, and Blue Crystals from each of the owl statues
  5. exit the room

Tower Sitting Room
  1. examine the far chair - hidden object area
    • Tobacco Pipe - open the desk drawer
    • Eye - pull the blue cord by the window
    • take the Boat Hook
  2. go up to the tower stars


Tower Stairs
  1. look out the window
    • use the Boat Hook on the nest
    • take the Egg Shell
  2. go down
Potion Room
  1. examine the fireplace - hidden object area
    • Feather - turn the page in the book
    • Flower - break the vase
  2. go down


Tower Sitting Room
  1. place the Flower in the container on the table
    • look inside
    • take the Seeds
  2. go up
Potion Room
  1. examine the table
  2. place everything on the table (see screenshot)
  3. Potion Puzzle
    • follow the recipe in the book
    • drag the Seeds to the pot
    • drag the Growth Accelerator to the pot
    • drag the Flower to the first plate
    • drag the Flower to the chopping block
    • chop up the Flower
    • drag the Flowers to the square bottle (middle_
    • turn the page in the recipe book
    • drag the Tail under the Magnifier
    • turn the Magnifier
    • drag the Powdered Tail in the round bottle (left)
    • turn the page in the recipe book
    • drag the Egg Shell to the Mortar
    • use the Pestle to grind it up
    • drag the ground Egg Shells to the triangular bottle (right)
    • turn the levers above the three potion bottles
  4. return to the owl room


Owl Room
  1. replace all the Crystals in the owl's eyes
  2. zoom in on the base of the blue owl
    • place the Round Elixir bottle in the base
  3. zoom in on the base of the red owl
    • place the Triangular Elixir bottle in the base
  4. zoom in on the base of the green owl
    • place the Square Elixir bottle in the base
  5. click the Eye of Omnescience (hint button)
  6. take the Crystal of Owlish Wisdom
  7. return to the throne room
Throne Room
  1. examine the Queen
    • place the Crystal of Owlish Wisdom in her crown
  2. watch the ending
The End!
General Information

Ask for help in the comments below!